Mother Nature has written a formal apology. She acknowledges that her winter ‘crop’ was less than stellar. She gave our sector a reduced lobster quality than would have been desirable. She promises to shortly deliver her normal superb Spring quality. We intend to hold her to this promise obviously. …
Lobster Lives Newsletter
Happy New Year 2016
Winter arrives in Nova Scotia with real gusto. A thing of beauty if you aren’t in the business of shipping live lobster around the world. Six days ago we were fearful that we would have no winter. It was a balmy 12 C on Christmas Day, and three of us waited in our gazebo for a shipment to proceed …
Canadian Lobster clearly gaining value
We hesitate to make predictions when it comes to Homarus Americanus. Predictions can more often than not come back to haunt us. But it is fairly apparent that Canadian Lobster is a growing value proposition. Prices are modestly rising throughout the distribution chain. And if we look at the big …